Process: Natural

Producer: Pereira Family

Varietal: Yellow Bourbon

Importer: Cafe Imports

Notes: Dark Chocolate | Apple Juice | Almond

Dry Dose: 18.5-19.5g

Yield: 35-42g

Time: 25-32s

Espresso offering as of February 12, 2024


We generally allow our espresso to rest at least 7 days prior to using on bar in order to allow it to off-gas and simplify the dial in process.

Espresso is a brewing method — this coffee will still have enough crisp acidity and sweetness to be a delicious cup via filter, aeropress, french press, cold brew etc.

If you’d like to make a pour over with this particular coffee, give this a try:

Kalita 20g coffee/305g water

0:00 - bloom 50g

0:45 pour to 135g

1:15 pour to 225g

1:45 pour to 305g

drain out at 2:50